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Download the Industrial Market Overview Report

Looking to stay ahead in the ever-evolving industrial market? CompStak’s Biannual Industrial Market Overview Report provides essential insights and trends shaping the industry.

Download the report to explore:

  • Employment Trends: Transportation and warehousing employment is up 13.5% since December 2019 but down 1.7% from its post-COVID peak.
  • Port Activity Surge: TEU volume at major ports is rising, with Long Beach and Los Angeles up 22.9% from Q1 2023, and New York and New Jersey up 11.7%.
  • Retail and E-commerce Growth: Retail sales grew 3.6% year-over-year in March 2024, with e-commerce reaching its highest share since Q2 2020.
  • Industrial Rent Trends: Rent growth is slowing, with a 14.6% decline in Los Angeles-Orange County-Inland Empire from its peak in early 2023.
  • Lease Term Changes: Average lease terms for bulk transactions declined by 12.9%, with free rent periods rising from 1.7% to 3.5%.
  • Amazon’s Leasing Activity: Amazon signed two of the top five deals in Los Angeles-Orange County-Inland Empire, with quarterly leasing volume surpassing early 2022 levels.
  • Market Spotlight: Los Angeles-Orange County-Inland Empire saw a 157% increase in rental rates for the ten largest renewals from Q2 2023 to Q1 2024.
  • Rent Declines: Effective rents have declined the most in major markets, with a 7.0% year-over-year drop for bulk transactions and 13.3% for smaller deals.

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