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CompStak API Integrations

Our application program interface (API) is a direct channel between CompStak data and your applications.

Market Insights

Track average rents and concessions for the markets and submarkets that matter to you, leveraging CompStak’s proven market and submarket definitions or your own custom-defined polygons.

Deliver market intelligence grounded in CompStak’s granular lease level detail, instead of survey based estimates or averaged asking rents.

Utilize CompStak’s proprietary data to estimate the average starting and effective rent for an area and visualize that data in a heat map or a market report.

Property Insights

Learn how to price any building existing or new.

Compare your buildings to other buildings, not the market.

Leverage CompStak’s proprietary Market Rent Algorithm to calculate an estimated market starting rent for the subject building and each building in its competitive set.

Space Insights

Underwrite the market starting rent for a given space, taking into account the building, the building’s competitive set, the square footage of the space, and its floor in the building.

Visualize the distribution of market rent, free rent, and work value in a histogram.

Get a list of recent deals (lease comps) most similar to your subject space and all the deal details such as starting rent, lease concessions, and lease term.

Property Standardization

Match your data to CompStak, and eliminate duplicates – even with limited data. We’ve spent seven years cracking the code on CRE data – properties with multiple parcels, buildings with multiple addresses, vanity addresses, duplicates, range addresses, you name it, we’ve seen it.

Granular Data

With over 60k+ monthly comps nationwide, CompStak API Integrations provide data grounded in CompStak’s granular lease level and sales transaction level data, leveraging difficult to find data fields like:

  • Starting Rent
  • Street Address
  • Submarket
  • Tenant Name
  • Transaction Date
  • Lease Term
  • Expiration Date
  • Transaction Size
  • CAP Rate
  • Escalations
  • TI Allowance
  • Free Rent
  • Net Effective Rent
  • Space Type
  • Floors Occupied
  • Building Name
  • Property Type
  • NOI

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Custom Solutions

Don’t see what you’re looking for? We can build it. Let us know what you need.

Our team is here to help.

Connect with our team to learn how your company can get started with CompStak’s API Integrations.

Companies that use CompStak’s APIs