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CRE Industry Leaders Rely on CompStak

Analyze, Track, and Benchmark Portfolios

Build custom property portfolios to aggregate real-time leasing insights. Use powerful portfolio-level analytics to assess performance and identify risks and opportunities.

Benchmark against other portfolios, competitors, or the broader market to optimize your CRE strategies.

Analyze Trends and Spot Opportunities and Threats in the Industry

Isolate any group of leases, properties, or submarkets nationwide and build charts to monitor their performance along critical metrics over 1-, 3-, 5-, 10- and 15-year periods.

Uncover key insights for important investment and underwriting goals.

Review Targeted Market Insights and Enhance Market Knowledge

Assess market rent, space type, and tenant industry concentrations via customizable heat maps. Review historical and future lease expirations with time-lapse visualizations.

Explore Less-Familiar Markets and Identify Trends in the Area

Access a targeted map view and generate leases based on a specific key filter such as lease expiration, market rent, space type or tenant industry.

Examine Key CRE Data Metrics and Understand Market Conditions

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Comprehensive CRE Analytics Based on The Most Reliable Data in The Market

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Unlock The Power of CompStak One

AI companies have leased 1 million square feet of San Francisco office space since 2020. But with about 30 percent of existing leases due to expire by the end of 2025, AI alone will not be enough to save the city’s office market, according to a new report from CompStak and Savills.

The Real Deal

CompStak has very accurate information and is able to share specifics on each deal, unlike some other data providers that anonymize and average it. The data they have is so valuable that it might be able to be the basis for a lot of other tools.


CompStak’s more than 35,000 members deliver authenticated data encompassing all of the U.S. for CRE professionals that include appraisers, brokers and investors.


“My sense is that the financial services industry remains the backbone of New York’s economy and office market, and will continue to do so,” said Alie Bauman, a CompStak economist. “While FIRE’s totals are down, just as leasing is overall for office space, FIRE is accounting for a higher share of activity than it did historically, and it seems to me that would be a brighter spot if you’re an office landlord.”

Commercial Observer

In Chicago, Workbox filled 29K SF of a former 112K SF WeWork at 125 S. Clark St., according to lease data provided by CompStak.


CompStak’s analysis of office leases signed from 2018 to the first quarter of 2024 in four major U.S. office markets – Manhattan, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago – found a preference for higher floors, underscoring the often-mentioned post-COVID flight-to-quality trend.

Globe St.