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The Standard in CRE Data
Every comp undergoes an extensive review process, dedicated to preserving the highest accuracy of data.

Rigorous Data Verification
Community Sourcing
CompStak Data is crowdsourced from our trusted network of 40k+ members working at commercial brokerage and appraisal firms. We receive transactions multiple times for additional layers of verification. Our members submit updates daily to improve lease and sale transaction data.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Intelligent algorithms remove suspicious data and improve data quality by identifying potential duplications and statistical outliers.

Internal Verification
Our commercial real estate research analysts review and verify data daily to ensure data integrity. Analysts cross-verify and add details to transaction data, deal participants, and property information.

Knowledge Graph
Our knowledge graph identifies connections between properties, transactions, and Submissions. It is continually improved by our constant flow of deal data, newly integrated data sets, and Research team data verification.